WordPress is the most common choice when it comes to building a site easily and quickly. However, if you search for more WordPress information in the search engine, you will find two almost identical variants in the results: wordpress.org and wordpress.com. What is the difference between these two websites?
The most obvious difference is the .org and .com domain extension. These two different domains are two different options for using the WordPress CMS platform. WordPress.org is an open-source WordPress application and WordPress.com is a paid service.
In other words, with the .org version, you have to do your own hosting while on wordpress.com, they do the hosting for you. While this may sound like the simpler option and the better way to start, you get limited freedom on wordpress.com which is usually not what people really need.
With this said, here is our detailed explanation of each website on its own.
WordPress.org site is the official WordPress Web CMS platform. This web application is free, open-source, and can be used by anyone to make their own site.
WordPress is used by both novice users and experienced developers. Ordinary users can add content to their site without having to understand programming and sophisticated web technologies. Developers can modify the application in detail because they have full access and control over the files and system code.
The free license and open source WordPress give you full freedom to use it for whatever purpose you need and to change it in every aspect. If you have minimal knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS, you can make small adjustments to the design of the site (theme). This freedom places the responsibility for adding additional functionality, maintenance, and system upgrades to your hands.
You do not need to have a wordpress.org site registration to create a WordPress site. From wordpress.org, you are free to download a WordPress installation package. This package can then be installed on a server, for example in a hosting account.
WordPress comes with a huge number of plugins and themes, free or with a paid license. You can install any themes and plugins free of charge on the WordPress site, paid and free.
WordPress.com is the official site of the online blogging platform. Created sites on wordpress.com are stored and uploaded by the platform’s servers.
The WordPress.com platform uses a modified version of the WordPress application (wordpress.org). The files and code of this version of WordPress cannot be modified by users. The platform does not provide direct access to the system files and data in the site database.
WordPress.com describes itself as a blog hosting or blogging platform and is mainly used for blog sites. And with paid plans, it can be used for any type of site. To create a site, you need to register with wordpress.com.
The platform offers free themes that can be installed on the site, but the features of the free site are limited and no plugins can be added.
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